
As a group collaboration with fellow designer, Ryan Tempro and I, the Delta interactive display was created. The display is located in Delta terminals across the United States. Travelers can interact with the display and this personal form of advertising is sure to catch the eye of passersby and appear on multiple social media sites. This 4 ft. x 8 ft. board is covered in 2,000 nails and 1,247 yards of red, blue and white yarn. Bonus advertisement is disguised as a luggage tag and requests the passenger to tell Delta how their trip was when they get home. The passenger is also able to grab a piece of red yarn and tie it from their current airport location to where their home is. The feeling is personal and nostalgic. This promotes feedback to the company in a fun and interactive way that allows the customer to be subtly reminded of their journey and to share it with Delta.

Kristie Feltner
Graphic Designer St. Augustine, FL