A Streetcar Named Desire

The Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre was putting on "A Streetcar Named Desire" a 1947 play written by Tennessee Williams. They needed a poster to represent the play without giving away too much of the story.

Following the hours of research were many brainstorming sessions and sketches. Finally getting an understand of the movies storyline, the idea to focus on the lead woman, Blanche, was decided. This confused character was a perfect basis for the poster.

Not to spoil too much of the play or film for those of you who have not seen it, Blanche is a fading, but still attractive, Southern bell whose pretensions to virtue and culture only thinly mask alcoholism and delusions of grandeur. She fights the battle of living in the past vs moving forward the entire time. The poster in itself is an illusion of Blanch wanting to move forward but still looking back.

designed as an intern at Shepherd

Kristie Feltner
Graphic Designer St. Augustine, FL