Floorplan - Given an empty wing of a hospital, complete programing, space-planning, way-finding, and lighting where designed for this birthing center.
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Private birthing room - Produced in 3-D Autocad and rendered in Viz-render, the soothing, upscale, calm, and homey feeling of the space is a polar opposite to the cold, uneasy, sickly feeling most women experience in a normal hospital room during the birthing process.
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Public hallways, dining area, and reception. - Located in Sunny L.A., this top floor facility uses ample use of photovoltaic glass, letting approximately 45% light through, to open up & light the public areas as well as produce electricity.
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Programing details. - Within extensive research before starting the design phase, it was discovered that what many women wanted most during the pregnancy was to maintain a sense of femininity and comfort, comfort, comfort. A complete spa was included in the plans so every mother can have a pedicure, and all seating in the center was selected with the best back support in mind.
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Rooftop addition - Not originally in the plan, a rooftop walking track, shaded patio, and garden are(complete with bird houses) was added as a retreat during long pregnancies or just a place to relax or have lunch before or after a scheduled appointment.
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Ocean Hill Birthing Center
Kristian Hoffland
Environmental Designer Washington, DC