4 collections......4 quadrents - Quite a difficult project, the Issey MIyake Store for Moscow was to be his first to incorporate more than a single collection, so each collection needed it's own defined feel an aesthetic to live in, while having a central corridor & Cash Wrap area with a quintessential "Issey Miyake," feel.
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Collection areas - Each collection area was designed with custom displays directly relational to the clothing itself, as if when you walk in, you walk into the clothing itself.
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Central corridor - The crisp, clean, futuristic technology driven Miyake style is visible within this central area. Behind the cash wrap, a giant flat panel lava lamp is not only interesting to look at, but once inside the elevator, it becomes the wall and is interactive as you push on the flexible plastic wall and move the lava around.
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Issey Miyake retail store
Kristian Hoffland
Environmental Designer Washington, DC