Hip Hop magazine Spread - The magazine is geared towards an urban audience, Nas was the feature artist. This is a 2 page magazine spread, standard 8.5x11 format.
Copywrite KreativeLink 2005
Cancer in the Breast - This was an information graphic. Possible uses in a doctors office for Breast Cancer awareness.
11x17 format.
Copywrite Kreativelink 2005
Kahluah for all occasions - This is an ad campaign for Kahluah brand. All of these are great with the drink.
Each AD is 8.5x11 format.
Copywrite KreativeLink 2005
Clean Cotton - One of Yankee Candle's clean scents. Simple and clean design. Advertisement for a magazine.
8.5x11 format
Copywrite KreativeLink 2005
NFL Timeline - Football, America's greatest sport. This is an information graphic. Only turning points in football are included on this timeline.
11x17 format.
Copywrite KreativeLink 2005