Financial Hub, My Account -- This page is the final design that went live to students. The account page is the default view to students. It allows them to see their past, current, and future (when applicable) view of tuition, fees, and payments. There are high-level widgets that give students summary and status information, in addition to financial tools and contacts.
Financial Hub, Financial Aid Requirements - This page is to guide the student through the Financial Aid process, which they need to perform every 6 months.
Financial Hub, Awards and Disbursements - This page informs the student of the schedule of disbursement of funds - grants, scholarships, etc., for each term.
Financial Hub, mobile wireframe - first drafts of mobile design.
WGU Financial Hub

Building on the existing Financial Aid UI, a need for a central location to surface all students financial information was identified. The project began with the requirements to build a student's account page, a Financial Aid page, and an Awards and Disbursements page. Additional needs were called out for future development, such as a Veterans & Military page and a documents page.

Karen Penlington
Sr. User Experience Designer Galveston, TX