Product icons ranging in size from 16x16 to 128x128. Created using both Illustrator and Photoshop.
Symantec Backup Exec icon samples: (row 1) BE Tech Center, BE Tech Support, Configure Storage, Create Backup, Create Logon Accounts, License Assessment Tool, Remote Assistant. (row 2) Job, Schedule Job, Successful Job, Failed Job. (row 3) Manage Recipients, Add Recipient, Add Recipient Group, Alert Category. (row 4) BE Server, Enterprise Vault Server, Exchange Server, Oracle Server, Sharepoint Server, MS Virtual Server.
SSIM samples Navigational icons Query set -- query, edit query, delete query Incident set -- merge incidents, add incident, close incident Chart icon -- pie, top ranked, bar, scattered

Icons samples from my years at Symantec.

Karen Penlington
Sr. User Experience Designer Galveston, TX