Evaluation Manangement Application (EMA) - original process & product
The Evaluation Management Application is WGU's platform for the publication, delivery, and evaluation of performance assessments.
In 2016 WGU got to a point with its partnership with Taskstream that called for change. While Taskstream meets WGU’s basic needs, the evaluation workflow is marked by inefficient and error-prone processes and the inability to accommodate improvements that are essential to scalability and continued credibility. Through the vetting of other third-party options and building a tool internally, the Evaluation Management Application (EMA) was born. This in-house developed platform would support the publication, delivery, and evaluation of performance assessments. This new platform would accommodate the growth of WGU, be more intuitive, provide a one-stop shop, all in fewer clicks.
Project launch July 2016
Product MVP launch April 2017
Product v1 completed launch Dec 2019