Initial flow diagrams were sketched out and revised as concepts were discussed and ideas developed.
10 + 10 exercise -- UX team sketched wireframe concepts of how UIs might look to create a targeting task. Ideas for all platforms - mobile, tablet, and desktop where explored. Though UI development was not part of this process, it was felt to be important in brainstorming and would be used in the future.
User scenarios from the different business units were developed and discussed to see the similarities and differences in the process.
Sketches of the process flow were drawn up on the boards by the team. This provided for progressive discussions that promoted several revisions to the diagram, variations and options as to what fits where, the order (or lack there of), and what terminology could fit best to the steps.
Process flow wireframe diagram was the draft deliverable that was used for further stakeholder feedback and by-off. Additional stakeholder meetings were held to discuss the diagram and recommended terminology. The feedback was taken back and incorporated into the final deliverable.
Final infographic for the targeting process flow. The diagram is incorporated with the terminology for a quick and easy understanding of the targeting process flow through all company products. It is intended that this will encourage a common vocabulary. As future products are developed, this process flow is to set the foundation for developing the new UI that will be developed for product-wide use.
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Developing targeting process flow

Lead UX team through research and design process to develop the overall company process flow for targeting. Several business units within the company have targeting task in their products. The goal was understand and illustrate the overreaching process flow, establish a common language so targeting is spoken about consistently throughout the company, and be flexible to account for the various nuisances of customization that may be in the various products. The final infographic was published to the design language website.
Interviews with engineers, PM, and support were conducted to establish a basic understanding of what targeting was thought to be to begin with. Commonalities, differences, and special considerations across various products were explained. The team participate in several design activities to surface patterns and discover the general task flow. We reviewed with stakeholders, iterated on a process flow wireframe, and created the final infographic and language. (2013)

Karen Penlington
Sr. User Experience Designer Galveston, TX