Design Concept A - Concepts presented to client to choose a creative direction for their website for SkyLab English. SkyLab English goal is to connect students or people who want to learn English with teachers and provide learning courses. This site is currently in the development stage. I was responsible for the user interface and wireframing for the site, design consultation, and design of the concepts. Site developed on behalf of Core3 Solutions.
Design Concept B - Concepts presented to client to choose a creative direction for their website for SkyLab English. SkyLab English goal is to connect students or people who want to learn English with teachers and provide learning courses. This site is currently in the design phase of development and will provide teachers and students to create profiles as well as schedule lessons. I created wireframes for the site, design consultation, and design of the concepts. Site developed on behalf of Core3 Solutions.
SkyLab English
View Website
Kelly Pageau
User Experience Architecture & Strategy Detroit, MI