Salantai Regional Park Visitor Center Exhibition

The aim of the exhibition is to present Salantai Regional Park by highlighting its most important values: culture, meritous people, Samogitian language, and the traces left by a glacier. This park is famous for the many stones that appeared in the area during the Ice Age and shaped the landscape of the Salantai Regional Park. The stones played an important role in people’s lives, religious ceremonies, etc.
My task was to create a visual identity for the exhibition; to find a key attribute that would highlight the park’s most important values and unique features that separate it from other Lithuanian regional parks. I chose the shapes of several different types of moss that grow on the stones at the park, as the image through which to tell the story of the regional park.
My goal was to create a warm, cozy, bright, and interactive educational exhibition suitable for both families and school children of all ages.

Kotryna Calkaite
Visual identity, Illustration, Concept Development Vilnius, Lithuania