Copper sulfate and white foam.
Copper sulfate and white foam.
Copper sulfate and wood.
Copper sulfate and toilet paper.
Copper sulfate and plaster.
Copper sulfate and rubber foam.
Copper sulfate and wood, metall, cotton.
Copper sulfate and wood, metall, cotton.
Copper sulfate and wax.
Salt and bench with berries.
Salt and cotton.
Crystalline - Material research

My research material is salt crystals. I decided to explore the properties of salt; in particular what forms can be
obtained from salt and on which materials it is growing on and under what conditions. The process is not fast and
always unexpected.
The most exciting feature is that the salt always exists, it is not going anywhere.
Copper sulfate is growing from the solution. The formation of the pattern on the walls of banks during
evaporation, the solution also forms crystals on the bottom of the jar and on subjects that swim in it. Salt grows on the surface of objects which come into contact with the solution. The solution as the source in this
case. While she nourishes life evolves and grows. At the same time the salt looks like a parasite that has its roots
in the solution and concealing the true properties of the object . Eg. Thin thread became thick thread and clear
glass became frosted.

Svetlana Kolesina
Interior Designer Moscow, Russia