HLGNS - Executioner T-shirt Graphic

Hooligans, or HLGNS as it was abbreviated to, was a project that I co-founded. Along side working as a part-time screen printer in Berlin, me and my partner built a small brand that reflected our love for graphic t-shirts and apparel.
This t-shirt graphic was inspired by a tattoo that I got from my friend Thomas Burkhardt. Recreated in a 60’s character style graphic and printed with chains down the arm on long sleeve t-shirts.
As is reflected in my artwork, I like geometrically solid designs with clean lines and bold colours. This maybe because of the way screen printing works best with those two facets in place but I engage with a graphic more if it’s visually tidy and thoughtful in the way it’s printed, using the shirt colour as part of the graphic to keep costs down is one example of this kind of thoughtfulness.

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Freelance, Full-time
Klein Graphic
Illustrator, Graphic designer, Printmaker. Berlin, Germany