ultimate endorphin lick - I designed this logo for our year's graduate exhibition, I did not pick the name, I just tried to do the best I could with it.
An illustration for a cd booklet - The Cursive, also a band on the Saddle Creek label, I created this image using a variety of programes and techniques,from photoshop to a photocopier, it is printed on a type of newsprint/sugar mix, the words are from the song 'the martyr'.I chose to spell the words as I heard them phonetically to emphasize the vocalists style and draw attention to what is being said.
the cynic - illustration for a magazine cover
TheFaint - one of four illustrations for an art book on SaddleCreek (the record label)
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Katy Kibbs
Founder and C. E. O of KATY KIBBS London, United Kingdom