#1 - "Sometimes I hate myself for wanting you."
#2 - "I still love you even though you broke my heart."
#3 - July '10 My favorite color is pink. =)
Project #1 - My sister and my niece at my sister's wedding.
Project #2 - My niece at the playground.
Vinny #1 - This is my second favorite photo manip. I did. It started as a project for my sister, and ended up spreading to other photos, not just of my nephew.
Vinny #2 - This is my favorite photo manip.
Vinny #3 - My newborn nephew.
Vinny #4 - His daddys a Steelers fan.
Vinny #5 - My nephew at his first birthday party.
Vinny #6 - Airbrush Action
Vinny #7
Photo Manipulations