IcOn mini pc - The 1st design awards of Cando national awards
IcOn mini pc - The 1st design awards of Cando national awards
IcOn mini pc - The 1st design awards of Cando national awards
icOn minipc - packaging for icOn minipc
IcOn mini pc - The 1st design awards of Cando national awards
Imate ultra screen - Imate ultra screen Imate pocket pc 2010 new generation
Farassoo internal to external hard disk adapter - Internal to external hard disk adapter with minimal stylish , functional cover , designed for both ATA & SATA hard disks . in the package there are : Cover , two adapter lid for changing between ATA/SATA disks , USB and power cables
Farassoo internal to external hard disk adapter - Internal to external hard disk adapter with minimal stylish , functional cover , designed for both ATA & SATA hard disks . in the package there are : Cover , two adapter lid for changing between ATA/SATA disks , USB and power cables
Farassoo internal to external hard disk adapter
Lap top design for Hasee Co. - Redesigning the hasee bussiness laptop with replacing new technology
Lap top design for Hasee Co. - Redesigning the hasee bussiness laptop with replacing new technology
Product design
Kiomars Nezhadi
Design as a best seller Tehran, Iran