Promotional materials for the Campbell Valley Equestrian Society (CVES) and Horse Trials.
Horse Trials 2012 poster - printed in two sizes, one for advertising in stores, the larger for sale at the event.
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Suggested Horse Trials 2012 Poster - The white space will allow the poster to stand out from its background, which will most likely be the leathery browns of tack shops. The yellow and blue colours are reminiscent of the colours from the CVES logo, while the green resembles grass. The colours are cool, and reflect the atmosphere of the event itself, but are still strong and foster a competitive aspect. The large numbers refer to the three phases of the event, named in white at the bottom.
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Campbell Valley Horse Trials 2011 - Posters were printed on 8.5"x11" and 11"x17" pages, and were hung in popular tack shops.
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Suggested Horse Trials 2012 Ad - This ad is for a Western Living magazine. The black background and coloured text contrasts with the white background and black text of a typical magazine. This draws the eye to the ad. The colours, bars and photo are common elements between the poster and ad, creating continuity across media. There is more information here than on the poster, as readers may be more inclined to read an ad than a poster. Both the logo and website have been included on both media for further information.
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Current brochure for the Campbell Valley Equestrian Society
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Suggested Brochure for CVES - The brochure is for both riders and the general public. The colours are from both the logo, as well as grass from the photos. The flow of the brochure is similar to a map, with lines and boxes leading the eye from information to photo. The green sign pays homage to the familiar signs posted around the park. I focused on the activities that the CVES has control over, in order to promote their work. For this reason, I've devoted a page to the people of CVES, ending with a call for volunteers.
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Suggested promotional materials - Hot drinks - Each strips folds up into a drink pouch, which holds one of several dehydrated hot drinks; a teabag, coffee crystals, or an apple cider mix. These can be given as prizes, promotional materials, or as gifts. These are more inclusive of equestrian activities, representing English, Western and Cross-country disciplines respectively. The front image represents the discipline, while the back has a description and an image representing the beverage inside.
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Suggested promotional materials - Food Coupons - These coupons can be sold, given as gifts or used as promotional material. Each is for a different meal from the concession. The barn and pathway are included as screens, because both are iconic and instantly recognizable as the centre of operations for most volunteer horse-related events within Campbell Valley Park. These illustrations and the colours create continuity between the promotional materials.
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Suggested promotional materials - Magnets - Each magnet represents one of the three phases of Horse Trials. The colours are echoed from the other sets of promotional materials. Each magnet has the logo, which has been screened back. These magnets serve as a reminder of the event, rather than a text platform.
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CVES Letterhead - This is an example of the letterhead created for the CVES. The text, instead of being greeked, is used to describe the merits of the new logo.
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CVES sign - To be made into a wood sign, to be hung outside on a fence.
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Double sided membership forms - to be printed on both sides of a legal sheet, then cut in half. Sized to fit in the brochure.
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Horse Trials 2011 Information Booklet - Given to all guests and competitors during days of competition, the booklet contains jump maps and sponsorship information.
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Winners Certificates - to be presented to the winner in each division, valid for a free entry to the next Campbell Valley Horse Trials.
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Campbell Valley Equestrian Society
Promotional materials for the Campbell Valley Equestrian Society (CVES) and Horse Trials.