NEWSLETTER HEADER The OCIO wanted a new look to their newsletter and fresh ideas. I created this original artwork in Illustrator for the newsletter team.
BUSINESS SERVICES PORTFOLIO This was a large project for the Department of Labor. The initial layout was created and then the information and design was tailored to a final product. Instead or the typical brochure it was organized so you could see topics at first glance. The information was then made available over the web.
COMMUNICATION PLAN This was another project for the Department of Labor. I did a custom illustration for the cover using Illustrator and then merged it into an InDesign file.
STRATEGIC PLAN This was a sister publication to the Communication Plan. Once again, created original artwork using Illustrator and then merged into InDesign.
GREEN GRASS DAIRY One of our projects in college was to create a look for a dairy company. I chose to create a dairy company called Green Grass Dairy. I wanted the product to have a clean look and minimalist qualities. Looking back I would have made all the cows doing some form of activity to convey the idea that grass fed cattle, organic cattle are heathier.
GREEN GRASS DAIRY Part of the dairy project was to design a yogurt product.
VECTOR DRAWING One of the first projects in my Computer Assisted class was to find an object and try to draw it using Illustrator - specifically learning the vector tool. In this image the 2 on the top are photographs. The 2 on the bottom are vector.
VECTOR DRAWING A detailed view of all the vectors!
FHSU POSTER For a period of time I did small freelance projects. This being one of the first projects. The client was very pleased with the final product and a quick turnaround time. Shared files with clients over FTP site for easy display for clients.
REGIONAL REVIEW My role in this project was to design the cover and a basic template for the LMI team. Once that was complete, they took on the details and filled in the data. The compete product received an award at the LMI conference for it's visual appeal and information.
20% OFF COUPON A small hair salon in Kansas was promoting 20 years of business. They asked if I could come up with something unique that they could either mail out or give to their customers during a Friday Gallery walk. Whipped up a coupon and bought some hair rollers. They loved it!
POSTER SERIES One of my last projects as a student was to create a series of posters specific to a era or genre of art. I decided on Art Noveau and used the theme of unusaul British slang words. I created the sketch then ran it through various filters and ended up with Humbug! A mint candy!
PURSE CATALOGUE One of my favorite things to do is make creations out of various materials. For this project I sewed several purses using collected materials and then photographed the purses with my friend as the model. I then added vectors and created a catalogue. This project was awarded a scholarship from Leo Burnett.
WINE PROJECT The concept here is to associate relaxation with wine. For this wine bottle I wanted a design that showed the lady relaxing when the bottle was placed on it's side. This was also a college assignment.
KIMGOSNELL.COM For some time I had a Flash Website I created and used mostly as a online portfolio. The concept here is that ideas and projects grow from you!
RIALTO EXTRA When Rialto Extra was in Lincoln a friend and I set up a photoshoot to create promotional materials for Rialto. My friend took the photos and I did the catalogue.
EG PHOTOGRAPHY A t-shirt design for my sister-in-law's photography business.
EG PHOTOGRAPHY Promotional website for EG Photography.
CUSTOM TYPE Using Fontographer software I created my own custom typeface and then saved it as a font on my computer. The word "JAUNT" displays the customized type.
BOB DEIG Another small freelance project. I created promotional materials for Senator Bob Deig of Indianapolis.
SCIENCE FAIR Some friends of mine were in need of a logo for a science fair they wanted to start in Lincoln so together we created this!
WINE PROJECT More detailed view of the logo for the wine bottle. I gave a standard font a little twist.
LOGO More detailed view of the logo I created for Compost Design.
LOGO A local interior designer wanted to start a business called DI Designs and needed a logo. I presented an initial round of ideas and she liked the first one! I used the letters D and I to create a pattern you might see when sketching out doors and lines in Autocad to design a particular space.
LOGO Another logo design for a Chicago based company HALO Health.
LOGO Detailed view of Green Grass Dairy logo.
LOGO Local masonry company Whitmore masonry was seeking a brand. I created the logo and gave the company rights to use it in their promotional materials.
PHOTOGRAPHY A more detailed view of the photography I shot in the purse catalogue project.
PORTFOLIO ENVELOPE A large envelope I created to store my printed portfolio materials. Grow something unique!
Online Portfolio
Kim Gosnell
Graphic Design Hickman, NE