The Mutt Strut is the Lake Humane Society's annual pledge walk, hosted each summer at locations throughout Lake County in Ohio. I was fortunate enough to work with the Humane Society on this event as my first official freelance project after college. There was an extensive print campaign (including brochures, posters showing the dogs of Humane Society members, and flyers), a digital venture on theirs and other supporters' websites, as well as Lake Humane Society gear to be purchased at the actual event (t-shirts, sweatshirts, and tote bags were among the items I designed). In my opinion, it was the perfect way to be introduced into the professional design world - helping out a great cause while getting extensive design experience.
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In 2010 I was approached by members of the Ohio University Division of Physical Therapy and asked if I could design a graphic that would be printed on various items for purchase during a 5k run fundraiser. They wanted a unisex design to go on t-shirts, waterbottles, and sweatshirts that would be sold at the event. I created a bold, unified design - and I was happy to receive the t-shirt on the right as a thank you for my freelance work!
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A friend who works in Advertising and PR in Chicago asked me if I'd be able to create an invitation for a Paramount Pictures Showcase for Disney artist and Chicago-based singer/songwriter Rachel McClusky. After receiving all the information and discussing details with Paramount's Music Coordinator, I designed this invitation, to be sent out to entertainment executives and promotional managers nationwide.
When a family friend decided to open her own business, she came to me to ask if I would create their marketing and signage. On the left is an example of a flyer which was advertised digitally as well as posted around the greater Cleveland area, and on the right is an informative card I created that maintains the same delicate typography and design work as the flyer and other marketing materials.
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I was recently approached by the head of the Willowick Football League to redraw some low-res logos that will need to be used in a banner this summer. On the left side you can see the images in the resolution they were sent to me, and on the right are my drawings. It was a very straightforward project which I was able to complete quickly and efficiently, and we maintain a freelance relationship that will expand throughout the summer.
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Whether I am searching for a job or I just have some downtime during my full-time work schedule, I always try to stay busy doing freelance work. This is a small sample of things I've done for various clients, including Ohio University, Paramount Pictures, and the Humane Society.

Kimberly Cordaro
Graphic Designer Cleveland, OH