Citrus Juicing precedents - Existing products which have the advantages of being inexpensive, easy to clean, simple to use, and compact.
The story told through sketches. I started out with a concept utilizing screw threads to twist the two halves of the juicer together.
Prototypes - Revision through prototyping. Although the screw threads were the initial tenet behind my design, I found them to be unnecessary when I examined the design of the reamer itself.
My final design consisted of four components. A cap which can be used to assist the user in gripping smaller fruits like limes and lemons. A reamer with ridges that tear into the fruit, extracting both juice and pulp. The holes are sized to filter seeds but allow pulp to pass through. A base which is shaped to be held by any hand size, and which funnels juice into any container. A removable silicone plug which allows the juice to be stored without leaking.