Dum Dum Product Advertisment Poster

This is an advertisement poster for
Dum Dum Pops candy. The objective
was to explore the different principles
of the Gestalt Theory. This poster
specifically explores figure/ground
relationships. I did this through choosing
a single object, a Dum Dum Pop,
and experimenting with placement
and relationships created between
foreground, middle-ground, and background.
The diagonal forms behind
the Dum Dum emulate the forms on
the Dum Dum wrappers. The concept
I formed was nostalgia; people are
reminded of their childhoods and
simpler times when they think of Dum
Dums. I chose Futura for the typeface
which was designed in the same time
period that the original Dum Dum
candies were introduced. The typeface
also helps reinforce the geometric
shapes of Dum Dum Pops and
wrappers, expecially in the very
round ‘O’ in ‘POPS.’

Kiera Duffy
Graphic Designer Providence, RI