Competition - Bus Stops - Competition : Two Bus stop Types - One traditional and one modern Theme
Competition - Bus Stops - Competition : Two Bus stop Types - One traditional and one modern Theme
Competition - Bus Stops - Competition : Two Bus stop Types - One traditional and one modern Theme with display areas for sponsors
Competition - Bus Stop, different seat types - Competition : Two Bus stop Types - One traditional and one modern Theme
Competition - Bus Stops - Survellience - Competition : Two Bus stop Types - One traditional and one modern Theme
Competition - Bus Stops - Competition : Two Bus stop Types - One traditional and one modern Theme
Competition - Bus Stops - Competition : Two Bus stop Types - One traditional and one modern Theme
Competition - Bus Stop - Competition : Two Bus stop Types - One traditional and one modern Theme
Competition Projects
Khizer Ishtiaq
Architect - Urban Planner - 3D Visualizer Lahore, Pakistan