Sprite animations I made for a character in a game, Mantank, created by myself and a few colleagues. **For some reason the .swf file doesn't always work, so I added another picture, watermarked, as a sample... Too bad it doesn't move, but at least you get to see more of the character.**
Sprite sheets made for mallet-like instruments to smash down on something, watermark present. Used in the mobile app "Whack A Poll"
Sprite sheets made for mallet-like instruments to smash down on something, watermark present. Used in the mobile app "Whack A Poll" I dont think the swatter made it into the final version.
Sprite sheets made for mallet-like instruments to smash down on something, watermark present. Used in the mobile app "Whack A Poll" I dont think the sledgehammer made it into the final version.
Sprite sheets made for mallet-like instruments to smash down on something, watermark present. Used in the mobile app "Whack A Poll"
Sprite sheets made for mallet-like instruments to smash down on something, watermark present. Used in the mobile app "Whack A Poll"
Sprite sheets made for mallet-like instruments to smash down on something, watermark present. Used in the mobile app "Whack A Poll"
Sprites n Spritesheets

Sprite animations

Kevin Marcial
Freelance Artist Riverbank, CA