Blue Moon Artfully Crafted campaign - Winner: 2007 Reggie Award (Gold) - National Consumer Promotion – Budget under $1 million Gold: Blue Moon Brewing Company- Artfully Crafted Client: CBC/Blue Moon Brewing Co. Agency: Integer Group
Blue Moon National Program

From AdAge -

"Coors has been reluctant to support the [Blue Moon] brand with media because it didn't want to advertise its corporate-backing to the brew snobs who are a key craft-beer constituency, and it didn't want to interfere with the sense of consumer discovery that's fueled the brand's growth.

But that strategy has apparently worked too well. The brand grew 91% during 2006, according to Beer Marketer's Insights, and supermarket sales were up another 51% through early November 2007, according to Information Resources Inc.

All that growth -- which is likely to put the brand in the 700,000-barrels shipped neighborhood, the same ballpark as craft beer's giants Sam Adams Boston Lager and Sierra Nevada Pale Ale -- likely can't be sustained without at least some media support."

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Kevin White
Senior Digital Marketing Manager at forté advertising Denver/Boulder, CO