MaidAiD Hotel Housekeeping Cart - This is the 4th yr. major project at Carleton University School of Industrial Design. The project includes Research, On-site Research, Data Analysis, Early Concepts, Refining Design, Structural & Ergonomic Testing, Prototype Testing, Final Design, Manufacture Details, Modeling Phases. Presentations were taking places in every phase.
Symbol EASYSCAN hand-held barcode scanner - An 3rd yr. project with Symbol, designing a hand-held barcode scanner for customers shopping at super stores. The scanner can reduce the check out wait-time by easily scan the item on the spot, it also takes over cashier's job. Therefore the purpose is to save time for the customers and save money for the store. The additional feature is allergy prevention by inputting personal allergy profile. As for the safety, the scanner has to be put back into the chck out station in order to complete the payment.
Personal & Academic Projects
Kevin Wang
KEVINID 深圳, China