Surrealistic Digital Stain Glass

Stain glass is a type of mosaic form of art. The concept with stain glass is basically the background of the illustration being into mosaic tiles leaving the main subject to be optical and clear in reference to this project. The main subject I did was a surrealistic piece of an eye ball inside of a mouth. While the mouth is drooling the drool can be also viewed as ears for the eyeball. The background was separated into three types of green first is a very bright green followed by a very dead almost brownish type green and finally just a low and very light green. These colors in my opinion worked well to make the subject stand out and didn’t distract the viewer from what was going on. I also applied the different greens because green is opposite of red and so I used tint of red which is pink. Since I used pink I figured that I would experiment with tinting green to its very simplest color which went to a wide variety of warm colors.

Kevin Allison
Illustration New York, NY