Packaging: Graphic Design & Art Production - Provided graphic design through final art production for these product lines. These packages are representative of a range of packages in these product lines.
Packaging: Graphic Design & Art Production - Provided graphic design through final art production for these product lines. These packages are representative of a range of packages in these product lines.
Packaging: Graphic Design & Art Production - Provided graphic design through final art production for these product lines. These packages are representative of a range of packages in these product lines.
Packaging: Graphic Design & Art Production - Provided graphic design through final art production for these product lines. These packages are representative of a range of packages in these product lines.
Killer Buzz - Print-ready production package art file
My Delight - Print-ready production art file for "label" (pad print).
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Killer Buzz Sugar Free line look extension packaging - Line look extension of Killer Buzz package for Sugar Free
NaKeD Clothing Packaging - Adapted design files to die files and made dimensional changes in the process . Released package die specs as well as print ready art files.
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NaKeD Clothing Packaging - Adapted design files to die files and made dimensional changes in the process . Released package die specs as well as print ready art files.
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NaKeD Clothing Packaging - Adapted design files to die files and made dimensional changes in the process . Released package die specs as well as print ready art files.
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NaKeD Clothing Packaging - Adapted design files to die files and made dimensional changes in the process . Released package die specs as well as print ready art files.
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NaKeD Clothing Packaging - Adapted design files to die files and made dimensional changes in the process . Released package die specs as well as print ready art files.
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NaKeD Clothing Packaging - Adapted design files to die files and made dimensional changes in the process . Released package die specs as well as print ready art files.
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Claire's packaging at retail - Representative of Claire's packaging worked on while working at Contempo Card
Claire's packaging at retail - Representative of Claire's packaging worked on while working at Contempo Card
Charlotte Russe - Representative of Charlotte Russe's packaging worked on while working at Contempo Card
Packaging Art Production

AS-US Education Clay - Package
design collaboration and art production

Kevin Masse
Visual Design Manager Narragansett, RI