India: Breaking Boundaries - Winner, 'My Vision of India', Poster Design Competition organised by India Future of Change, supported by Ministry of External Affairs, India. The main idea behind the poster is to show how tradition is not lost, but it is in turn giving India a unique identity when it is progressively moving towards a globalised world.
Story - Shortlisted, Top 25, 'My Vision of India', Poster Design Competition, India Future of Change, supported by Ministry of External Affairs, India, 2011. The poster incorporates traditional and symbolic 'bindi', and gives it nine different meanings, each of which is reflective of the country and its culture. The nine-squared mandala is used as the base and even the colour scheme uses traditional colours of 'haldi'(turmeric yellow) and 'gulaal'(red).
Green Footprint - The poster looks at the important issue of pollution and increasing individual carbon footprints which is causing large-scale environmental damage and is responsible for earth's climate change.
Education 1 - Education becomes difficult for children of countries which do not have sufficient infrastructure. A poster supporting the Right to Education.
Loading... - Poster supporting every child's Right to Education.
Education Funds - Most funds collected for building schools and providing education for the Developing Nations do not reach the users due to various reasons. This is a poster to highlight the issue.
Poster for Mela - A Poster inviting the city for the university's annual Fun Fair, 2012.
Yearbook coverpage - Cover page for the Annual College yearbook, 2012. The illustrations depicts life on campus.
A quick exercise for a friend - just for fun!
Keta Shah
Partner at Workshop Inc Ahmedabad, India