Apparel Apparel from Matthew Kerfren APPAREL Atomica Crest - T-shirt for design group's promotions Elephant - Youth clothing PJ set Dorothy Coder - Red glitter & White on black Newbie - Baby and youth wear for ThinkGeek GHCU - Something for everyone Power Tie - stitched power symbol pattern for ThinkGeek Digital Angel - "Digital Angel" text on chest - circuit wings on back t-shirt for ThinkGeek Killer Coding Ninja Monkeys - Coders t-shirt design for ThinkGeek EMM Crest - 10 year anniversary crest for Philadelphia's own WKDU EMM event Power Tee - Glow in the dark ink gLike APPAREL Fashion Design Illustrator Apparel Illustration Share R 7 n Matthew Kerfren Senior Graphic & Packaging Designer Philadelphia, PA Follow Contact