Tea Steeper - This tea steeper features a built in timer for the proper steeping of tea. Time being one of the major factors that control bitterness of the tea. Once the time reaches zero, the floating timer begins to vibrate, creates ripples in the water.
Tea Steeper - This tea steeper features a built in timer for the proper steeping of tea. Time being one of the major factors that control bitterness of the tea. Once the timer reaches zero, the floating timer begins to vibrate, creates ripples in the water.
Tea Steeper - This tea steeper features a built in timer for the proper steeping of tea. Time being one of the major factors that control bitterness of the tea. Once the time reaches zero, the floating timer begins to vibrate, creates ripples in the water.
Color Options
Tea Product

Water droplet tea timer

Kelly Walker
Designer Des Moines, WA