Big Sky and Farmers Market Collage - These are posters and banners i created to promote two events that were held at my college. Each poster or banner served a different purpose.

Sky Poster - This is a design for a poster, and i wanted to show the beauty of the sky. I wanted to give the audience a view you don't get everyday. I thought the colors were able to draw the viewer into reading the information, and the mimicking of the clouds color and texture for the titles, to be pleasing on the eye.

Big Sky Poster/ Long Version - This was a poster i created that was hung up around campus, promoting and informing the students about the Big Sky Fair. When i think of the sky, i think of meteorology, so i took a more science approach when it came to designing.

Big Sky Poster - This was a poster i created that was hung up around campus, promoting and informing the students about the Big Sky Fair. When i think of the sky, i think of meteorology, so i took a more science approach when it came to designing.

Big Sky Fair and Farmers Market - These are some designs that were made for the Big Sky Fair. The pictures next to the designs were from the Farmers Market that ran side by side The Big Sky Fair. The two events had a big crowd and brought the community and the student body closer together.

Farmers Market Banner - I designed this banner promoting the Farmers Market. These banners were put up all around town informing the community where and when the Farmers Market will be. When designing, i wanted to incorporate a visual as to where the Market was going to be held, and needed to show that the Farmers Market and Big Sky Fair was going to be at the same place and same time. My goal was to make it appealing enough for the community to come visit the Market on campus and then go to the Sky Fair when finished.