This is an accessory brochure for the Mazda CX-3. Shown is the cover, top panel open and completely open.
This page shows a sell sheet for the Mazda CX-3, along with car toppers for the showroom.
This is an invitation for an event hosted by DATA Communications Management. They wanted something that would wow their key clients regarding their new brand, plus highlight their guest speaker who was to speak about the shifting marketing world. My idea was a survival kit for marketers... a box filled with things such as a notebook, sharpie, a bag of creative fuel (chocolate covered espresso beans), a fortune cookie with the URL to the event inside and a Tile (tracker device). The response they received was overwhelming and the event was a huge success.
FedEx needed some birthday and anniversary cards for their staff. I was responsible for the concept, copywriting as well as the design.
This was a card giveaway promotion for Shoppers Drug Mart.
Intact wanted to send a promotion to their brokers, which included a prize (VIP package). This page shows the concept: A box with a lanyard (VIP) with an accordian folded piece in it (cover and fully open shown). It did so well they couldn't keep up with the demand it caused.
Guthrie Insurance wanted to send potential clients a simple DM, giving them a special offer. Here is the cover and inside spread.
This is the landing page for the previous direct mail piece.
This is an online comment card / form for Carl's Jr.
This is the thank you page that appears after a customer fills out the previous form.
This client wanted to send a direct mail piece out to specific potential customers, but they didn't want it to be the usual folded paper piece. So instead, my idea was a box with a clear lid filled with hay (rafia). The headline on the box refers to a needle in a haystack. When the person looks through the hay, they find a card on the bottom with further information about what they offer. The executive team was so excited that a mundane offering (data communication control) could be presented in such a unique way.
This is a banner, letter and 'strip card' for a specialty product that helps detect a leaky toilet. It was created for a large trade show in Las Vegas regarding water conservation. It was extremely well received.
I created this logo for MediaLocker. Also shown is the image for the welcome page online.
This calendar was created for CNIB for their donors.
This is a label, seed paper bookmark and greeting card package for NYGH.
These are 3 designs for holiday cards. They all have a blind emboss, foil and the image pops out and becomes an ornament.
Gamunex is a treatment for people with immune deficiencies. For this campaign, we developed 6 images with the illustration overlay, and although they didn’t run any ads, all the pieces have an ad feeling, with the large headline that ties to the image. The illustration mnemonic helped patients to connect with the brand.
This 16-page detail aid is a technical piece that was developed as inserts in a binder, and also for an iPad. The imagery from the campaign help to make this piece beautiful where it would normally be mundane. This piece received great feedback from both doctors and the sales force.
This is an infographic highlighting the features of BD’s insulin pen needles. The client requested that each data point be able to stand alone so they could be used separately online as well.
This page shows the first screen and two content screens for BD’s iPad detail aid.
Here is the cover, first open, and inside spread of a patient brochure for BD.
This page shows the frames of a online banner ad for Diflucan. In this and the following example, I actually wrote them as well.
This page shows a second version of the same ad. There is a third not shown. While working on this ad, the client was having a hard time narrowing it down to one, so he finally said “Can’t we just do all three?” So we did.
This is a media kit for an event to raise money for 'Meet me in Africa', a non-profit organization. This job was pro bono.
This is the invite for the 'Meet me in Africa' event.
my book
Kelley Di Fiore
Senior Graphic Designer / Art Director Toronto, Canada