4 Plant and water cycle depicting the relationship convection-area-Sphere-Vortex-language

5 Plant in natural relation to the funnel vortex (datura inoxia).

6 Plant and mimetic relationship funnel-Sphere-Vortex and morphogenesis (Datura Inoxia).

7 Catalpa Bignonia - analysis of symmetry and expression of sphere-vortex principle

8 Passiflora Caerulea - Sphere-Vortex symmetry

9 Frunza - principiul generativ al vortexului dublu si coincidenta cu unda stationara.
Leaf - generative principle of double vortex and coincidence with standing wave.

10 Frunza si epitaxiile spirale alternante spre interior-exterior, cu simetrie de ordin 2,3,4,5...n.
Leaf and alternative spirax epitaxy from the inside-outside, symmetry of order 2,3,4,5 ... n

11 Explosion-implosion, fertilization as implosive countercurrent illustrated on the vegetal model of seed formation

12 Magnolia and the symbolic life cycle in relation to Sphere-Vortex principle

13 Synthesis of Sphere-Vortex principle manifestation, vegetal-animal and standing waves.

14 Podalirius (Swallow tail butterfly), apple blossom and the model concentric Vortex -Sphere-Torus.

15 Animal pattern: the butterfly life cycle in relation to Sphere-Vortex principle.

16 Man as convection type manifestation and the phenotype vegetal-animal/Sun-Earth with the common denominator Sphere-Vortex

17 Man and the three bio-convective circuits, with organs, embryo, etc. It illustrates the similarity with the Vortex-Sphere principle.

18 Human embryo in relation to the vortex principle exemplified by the similarity between ear, capillary pilosity vortex, etc.

19 Human embryo and vortex principle: kidney, heart, eyeballs, internal and external ear.

20 Human embryo: the correspondence between bicephalous symmetry and internal organs.

21 Human embryo: the correspondence between the bicephalous symmetry, fertilization, vortex, growth rate and relationship with the Sphere model (male-female).

22 Human skull and embryo anatomy in relation to the principle of vortex-sphere (pattern 1).

23 Human skull and embryo anatomy in relation to the principle of Vortex-Sphere (pattern 2).

24 Human skull: anatomy of eye, molars, etc. in relation to the principle of Vortex-Sphere (pattern).

25 Human skull: eyes and vortex in fermionic superfluid helium in relation to the principle of Vortex-Sphere (pattern).

26 Human skull: eye, ear, nose, molar in relation to the principle of Vortex-Sphere (pattern).

27 Human physiognomy: eye, ear, nose, molar, in relation to the principle of Vortex-Sphere, illustrating the coincidence of anatomical patterns.

28 Human anatomy: carpal bones, tendons in relation to the golden section and the principle of Vortex-Sphere.

29 Vegetable-animal, vortex-tube, inside-outside the sphere, illustrating the coincidence with anatomical patterns.

30 Standing wave in liquids illustrating the principle of Vortex-Torus

31 Standing wave with symmetry of order 3, the cyclic steps which animate the liquid illustrating the principle of Vortex-Torus.

32 Standing wave with symmetry of order 3, successive stages repeated cyclically, in section, illustrating the principle of Vortex-Torus.

33 Incipient circular toroidal standing wave, in section, illustrating the principle of Vortex-Torus

34 Circular pentagonal liquid standing wave in section, illustrating the principle of vortex

35 Pentagonal circular liquid standing wave, illustrating the vortex principle, ternary cycle.

36 Pentagonal circular liquid standing wave, illustrating the vortex principle, emphasizing the 10 currents (5 centripetal and 5 centrifugal).

37 Pentagonal circular liquid standing wave, illustrating the vortex principle, emphasizing the 10 currents (5 centripetal and 5 centrifugal) and the relation to sphere.

38 Pentagonal circular liquid standing wave, illustrating the vortex principle, emphasizing the 10 currents (5 centripetal and 5 centrifugal) and the tandem of male-female couple

39 Pentagonal circular liquid standing wave, illustrating the vortex principle, emphasizing the 10 currents and female-male couple synergy (detail).

40 Circular-triangular liquid standing wave, illustrating the vortex principle and male-female cople (synthetic model).

41 Circular standing waves with symmetry from 1-5 and the circular-vortex Knot Element, depicting the principle of female-male vortex in liquid (synthetic model).

42 Standing wave in volatile liquids and the circular-vortex Knot Element (synthetic model).

43 Standing wave in volatile liquids and the circular-vortex Knot Element (synthetic generative model).

44 Soliton standing wave of Alef double vortex type in viscous liquids and the circular-vortex Knot Element (synthetic generative model).

45 Soliton standing wave of Torus-funnel type in viscous liquids, flower-Vortex corolla and the circular-vortex Knot Element (synthetic generative model).

46 Soliton standing wave of double torus type in viscous liquids, in morphological similarity to the human embryo, the Agnostida trilobite fossil, illustrating the vortex principle.

47 Soliton standing wave in viscous liquids, of humanoid physiognomy type with mask appearance illustrating the vortex principle

48 Soliton standing wave in viscous liquids, of humanoid physiognomy type with mask-portrait appearance illustrating the vortex principle (in relation to the node-ventral diagram).

49 Soliton standing wave in viscous liquids, of humanoid physiognomy type with mask-portrait appearance and the anatomy of Sphere-Vortex.

50 Soliton standing wave in viscous liquids, of humanoid physiognomy type with mask-portrait appearance and the fluidic currents

51 The similarity between dynamics of the physiognomy type fluid and the geometry of Sphere-Torus principle (1).

52 The similarity between dynamics of the physiognomy type fluid and the geometry of Sphere-Torus principle (2).

53 Computational algorithm Sphere-Torus-Vortex, interior-exterior and sections.

54 Computational algorithm Sphere-Torus-Vortex interior-exterior and positive/negative sections.

55 Computational algorithm Sphere-Torus-Vortex, inside-outside and full-empty sections.

56 Computational algorithm Sphere-Torus-Vortex, concentric spheres, inside-outside and full-empty sections.

57 Computational algorithm sphere-Torus-Vortex-star and tripartite relationship between the sphere-rotation-torus and vortex rotation

58 Computational algorithm sphere-Torus-Vortex-star -galaxy-black hole and the tripartite relationship between stillness and opposing centrifugal-centripetal forces between sphere-rotation-torus

59 Computational algorithm sphere-Torus-Vortex- rotation, centrifugal-centripetal, star-black hole and the tripartite relationship between the sphere-rotation-torus.

60 Computational algorithm sphere-Torus-Vortex and the centrifugal-centripetal rotation in relation to the implosion-explosion principle that animates the star-black hole duality.

61 Algoritm computational ce ilustreaza transformarile Sfera-Tor-Vortex, Sfera-dezordine-Tor, Sfera-Expansiune-Rotatie-Ramificare si centrifug-centripet (1).
Computational algorithm illustrating the transformations Sphere-Torus-Vortex, Sphere-disorder-Torus, Sphere-Expansion-Rotation-ramification and centrifugal-centripetal (1).

62 Algoritm computational ce ilustreaza transformarile Sfera-Tor-Vortex, Sfera-dezordine-Tor, Sfera-Expansiune-Rotatie-Ramificare si centrifug-centripet 2. Computational algorithm Computational algorithm illustrating the transformations Sphere-Torus-Vortex, Sphere-disorder-Torus, Sphere-Expansion-Rotation-ramification and centrifugal-centripetal (2).

63 Algoritm computational de ordinul 1....n. Sfera-Tor-Vortex si Sfera-dezordine-Tor-Sfera.
Computational algorithm of order 1 .... n Sphere-Torus-Vortex and Sphere-disorder-Torus- sphere.

64 Computational algorithm of order 1. Sphere-torus: fragmentation, 2. Sphere-Torus: deformation 3. Sphere-Torus: ramification

65 Computational algorithm macro-microcosm, from disharmonic chaos to harmonic chaos and chaos metamorphosis through convection-rhythm-symmetry.

66 Computational algorithm illustrating the diagram simple-harmonic complex-space-symmetry Sphere 1-Torus 1-Chirality 1 (Levo-Dextrogire)

67 Computational algorithm illustrating the diagram simple-harmonic complex-space-symmetry Sphere 1-Torus 1-Chirality 1 Levo-Dextrogire (node ring inside and outside).

68 Computational algorithm diagram illustrating the single-sphere complex-Torus-Standing Wave Sfera1-Tor1-Chiralitatea1

69 Computational algorithm and the diagram simple-complex, Torus-spiral, interior-spiral, exterior-spiral and inversion (1).

70 Computational algorithm and the diagram simple-complex, Torus-spiral, interior-spiral, exterior-spiral and inversion (2).

71 Computational algorithm and the diagram of bidirectional morphogenesis Torus- tetrahedron-4 spheres-tetrahedron, full-empty, Levo-dextrogyre.

72 Computational algorithm and the diagram of bidirectional morphogenesis 4 spheres-tetrahedron, 4-Spheres-cube, 4 spheres-rotation-cone.

73 Computational algorithm and the diagram of bidirectional morphogenesis spheres-tetrahedron-standing wave-complementary polyhedron Vortex

74 Computational algorithm and the diagram of bidirectional morphogenesis spheres-cube- Standing Wave-octahedron-complementary polyhedral Vortex.

75 Computational algorithm and the polygonal diagram Square-spheres, Levo-Dextrogyre and the dual tangent module female-male with coordination of order 5.

76 Computational algorithm and the polygonal diagram Square-spheres, dextrogyre and the dual tangent module female-male with coordination of order 5.

77 Computational algorithm and the polygonal diagram pentagon-spheres, Levo-Dextrogyre and the dual tangent lattice module female-male with coordination of order 5.

78 Computational algorithm illustrating polygonal diagram concentric Hexagon-spheres, Levo-Dextrogyre and module of double spiral lattice of galaxy type.

79 Natural physical algorithm, hexagonal standing wave type Flower of Life and polygonal diagram, successive stages.

80 Computational algorithm and polygonal diagram 19 spheres-concentric Hexagon, Levo-dextrogyre, with geometric human aspect (10 spheres).

81 Computational algorithm illustrating the polygonal diagram 19 spheres-Hexagon-Flower of Life-fish-concentric Man and the Geometric Man made up of 10 spheres.




85 Symbolic and cultural algorithm and the anatomical diagram that explains the hierarchical relationship: sphere-Sun-eye-cone-spiral-outer/inner ear-iris-torus

86 Symbolic and cultural algorithm and the diagram sphere-spiral-cylinder, ornament, levo-dextrogyre, with sequential morphogenesis of Ionic column.


88 Symbolic and cultural algorithm and the diagram heart-wheat ear, cross-goblet-vine-seed, wheat-ear and standing wave.


90 Vibratie în fluid, structura geometrica, oscilatie-ciclu, unda stationara-haos si coincidenta cu patternul biologic.
Vibration in the fluid, geometric structure, oscillation-cycle, standing wave-chaos and the coincidence with the biological pattern.