In Designs and Such
Front Inlet
IDAS Contents
Product Design Bumper
PopWalk Topwater Lure
Fireflite Bicycle Headlight
Kitchen Mixer: Reverse Engineering
Orbie MP4
Braille Watch
Conceptuals: Loop and Solar Bottle
Furniture Design Bumper
Tree&Them Multifunctional Furniture
Duaskena Chair/Bed
Exhibition Design Bumper
Stanley Kubrick Exhibition
Graphic Design Bumper
CopyPasted Campaign
Original Exhibition
Merdeka 2007
Ramadan 2007
Merdeka and Ramadan 2008
Mozaic Indonesia 2009
Various MPC Posters
Bosh! x Don't Panic
Brochure Work
Momiji Dolls
Competitions; Poster and Tote
Otaki Branding Concept
Pack&Ink Proposal Concept
Industrial Design Undergraduate Portfolio
Keisha KR
Designer and New Media Researcher London, United Kingdom