Editable pdf. Created flyer in InDesign, choosing stock photo and making final pdf into an editable pdf.
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Product brochure/wall chart. Created in InDesign, using stock photography edited in Photoshop.
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Wachovia brochure - Designed using Adobe InDesign Photo alterations in PhotoShop
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Flyer created in InDesign, with chart created first in Excel, then modified in Illustrator.
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Wells Fargo IRA flier - Indesign flier
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Brochure layout updated in InDesign. Chose stock photography, some retouched in Photoshop. Hi-res files provided to printer.
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Part of a group of documents related to a seminar, including email banners, email invite, printed worksheet, retirement checklist, attendee and broker surveys. This is the printed worksheet, designed using InDesign and stock photography. Photoshop retouching was required for the photo.
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Part of a group of documents related to a seminar, including email banners, email invite, printed worksheet, retirement checklist, attendee and broker surveys. This is the printed attendee surgery, designed using InDesign and stock photography.
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Part of a group of documents related to a seminar, including email banners, email invite, printed worksheet, retirement checklist, attendee and broker surveys. This is the email banner, designed using Photoshop and stock photography. Photo was retouched in Photoshop.
Graphic created in Photoshop, using Peanuts illustration for a Sycom Board.
Flyer created using InDesign.
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Wachovia flier - Indesign flier
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Brochure created in InDesign using stock photography retouched using Photoshop.
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Event Invitation for Wachovia Securities - Designed using InDesign, photo retouching in Photoshop
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Miami Metro Magazine article - Photoshoot direction Page design/layout Quark Xpress
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University of Miami holiday card - Designed layout using Quark Express PhotoShop retouching/enhancing of photograph

Graphic Design Projects.

For this cover piece, I was responsible for the concept and design for a multi-product listing brochure/poster. I came up with brochure concepts/ layouts, chose photography and illustration, produced photoshop images from combining stock photos and illustrations, created brochure layout InDesign and provided final print ready files and online pdf to printer.

Freelance, Full-time
Karen Camburn
Graphic Designer Charlotte, NC