Wearable Technology

The recent emergence of wearable technology has meant this market is become increasingly popular. Our job was to design a piece of wearable technology that could exist within the next 5, 10 or 50 years.

This was a group project assigned to 6 second year BU Product Design students.

Our creation was the 'TravelSense'; a wearable cure for motion sickness. This original concept was developed for those traveling in driverless cars for the first time. After years of driving, the sensation of being in a driverless car can cause nausea and sickness.

This product works by controlling the fluid inside your inner ear (responsible for motion sickness) by using sine waves. This is then linked to an accelerometer that measures the movement and direction the user is facing.
This technology looks to become available and more widely used within the future.

Kaveer Patel
Product Design Graduate Bournemouth, United Kingdom