Redefinition of Green Design - What is really green? As responsible designers, we have to face the nature of our profession: we create potential trash. Some designers deal with this issue by creating so-called "green products," and conscious consumers will buy those products. However, this "green" practice is based on our society's inherent belief that we always need to consume. Podium approaches the issue differently by altering consumers' act of trash disposal toward more sustainable way.
Answer for Long Neglected Problem - It has been our nuisance for decades. Although it is one of the biggest problems in both home and work, we have ignored, hidden, or just given up dealing with it. It has been an unwanted topic for designers. Yes, it is the infamous cord mess. Existing products deal with it only in clumsy ways. Oddbulb, with its extremely simple yet incredibly versatile form, clears up the mess and creates space that we never expected we could have.
Achiever's Machine - What drives people to run indoors? Features of traditional treadmills only focused on improvements for the act of running. What they forgot to understand is that people run for the result of the activity. We designed our treadmill considering what people want to see as they progress in their exercise. The new treadmill does not force people to run; it, like their runner friend, encourages them to run toward their goals. (Team project)
Humane Product - What is the meaning of a product? My clients expected me to design a product for my customer's need that they identified. After observing my customer myself, I found that the need was something different. After considering the potential effect of the expected product, I decided not to create it. Instead, I designed my interaction with my customer as I perceived his changing needs. My product was not an object; it was my service.
Sensible Tables - Creativity has been absent from design of game tables. Game tables maintained their freshness with practice of styling. Manufacturers have lacked attention to the "playing" aspect of the games. Our team explored various processes involved in the use of the tables, including the time when they are not in use. The new tables come with thoughtful features not only to make play more engaging and pleasant, but also to make ownership of the project more worthwhile. (Team project)
Simple Tool - How could a whiteboard eraser be better? Existing erasers, regardless of the quality of their use, meet their basic function: to erase markings on the board. How could this simple tool be improved by the aid of design? We looked at various aspects of the eraser such as manufacturing methods, user demography, necessary features, and ergonomics. The result of our team collaboration was the design of erasers refined to their simplest form. (Team project)
Universal Form of Lighting - Do we care enough? While those of us who live in developed countries take their modern lifestyle for granted, in many other areas on the globe, people's immediate concerns are for their survival due to warfare, poverty, and deterioration of the environment. Seed is not just another lighting targeted for a fraction of the world's population. Seed strives to provide people with better lives through the benefit of light, regardless of where they live on this planet.