Tennis Player - Took a photo of my friend playing tennis, then created it into an illustration (over 30 hours of work!)
T-Shirt Design - Award winning t-shirt design for Best in Show for Digital Illustration at the 2011 District Wide Student Design Show. Assignment: create a one or two color design for a t-shirt, has to be 11"x14".
T-Shirt Design - Award winning t-shirt design for Best in Show for Digital Illustration at the 2011 District Wide Student Design Show. Assignment: create a one or two color design for a t-shirt, has to be 11"x14".
Assignment: create a poster for the grand opening of "Oh Joy Cakes" on October 15, 2011. Must include: hours, address, phone number, website, "O" logo, the slogan "Customized cakes for all occasions", some of the things they offer, and a picture of their cake. Mine was one of two picked out of the class to do further work for "Oh Joy Cakes", but no further contact was made.
Assignment: create a poster showcasing all of the technical certificates Gateway's Technical Communications Department has to offer.
French Characters
ULINE Chair Assembly
Katie Sell
Graphic Designer Pleasant Prairie, WI