Westrim Crafts - Project type: Packaging Media: Adobe Illustrator Description: Packaging design for the family of craft products. The redesigned Westrim Crafts logo communicates as a contemporary, fun, and explorative brand. Although there are two different target groups (children and adults), the consistency of the packaging is preserved from one product to another. Also, the packaging of these products are designed so that the package can be reused.
Style Chocolate Bar Design - Project type: Illustration Media: Adobe Illustrator Description: This is a conceptual gourmet chocolate bar of fine quality with a trendy style. The idea behind this packaging design is to express exquisite quality and taste. Shown on the top-left corner is the concept of the "style" brand that illustrates the idea of a trendy woman sitting in a relaxing position to signify sophistication.
WD-40 "the handy man" - Project type: Redesigned Packaging Media: Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop Description: This portfolio piece demonstrated that a strong branding like WD-40 could also be redesigned to renew the brand-image and strengthen the multi-purpose nature of the product. The colours, yellow and blue remains similar to the existing packaging design because they are recognizable colours for this product.
Conceptual Seeds Packaging Design - Project type: Packaging Media: Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop Description: The blooms brand communicates the idea of growth, where "blooms" represent its products (seeds). Also, the colours chosen for this brand represent nature and freshness. This conceptual piece communicates the hiearchy of information arranged within a small packaging. The design consistency of the family of seed and the idea of using pattern on the package helps to give it a fresh new look.
Katie Lo
Graphic Designer Toronto, ON