ADA Construction Product Brochure

The invention of a seamless liquid applied detectable warning system has given Vanguard ADA Systems a niche in the construction market nationwide. The founder trains municipalities and construction companies with his patented system to provide the blind and visually impaired pedestrian with a product that really stays put for decades. This proposition eliminates hundreds of thousands in government spending to rip up the failing "Brand X" products in use throughout pedestrian areas nationwide.

Due to stringent regulations and guidelines the tendency in the construction and architectural industry is to find a product that meets the requirements well enough and then always (specify) use that product on every project, not always understanding that they fail in a matter of months or years.

This brochure brings to the municipality representatives mind the many ways other products haven't been meeting the need and to educates them on a product that exceeds expectations on every point.

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Kathy Kinney
Committed to Vision Acheivement Lynnwood, WA