For tasks that need to happen on a regular but extended time frame, how can we ensure that those happen as effortlessly as possible? It’s easy to remember to brush your teeth because you do it everyday. Car and home maintenance tasks should occur at regular frequencies to help keep our cars running smoother and our homes safer. But many of us have trouble keeping track of these longer term tasks. Can we use technology to help us keep up with these maintenance tasks easier? Needfinding artifact: observations of three people tracking routine vehicle maintenance.
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Storyboard illustrating the high-level design strategy: "Vehicle maintenance and tasks should be as simple and as consistently reliable as if you had hired someone to take care of it for you."
Storyboard illustrating the high-level design strategy: "Vehicle maintenance and tasks should be as simple and as consistently reliable as if you had hired someone to take care of it for you."
First rapid interactive wireframe for vehicle maintenance app, built using Balsamiq
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Second rapid interactive wireframe for vehicle maintenance app, built using Balsamiq
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Heuristic evaluations of other students' rapid prototypes using Jakob Nielson's 10 Design Heuristics and Severity Ratings for Usability Problems as evaluation guides
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A section of the development plan for CarSaver, as it appeared partway through the prototyping process
CarSaver prototype 3 with skeleton navigation only and built in Axure available at: CarSaver prototype 4, ready for user testing:
After peers completed heuristic evaluations on our wireframes, we enumerated the issues found and identified the changes needed.
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User evaluation plan outlining details such as what we wanted to learn from the user study, who our participants would be, what would happen during the test, and what we would measure.
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Experimental protocol providing details about how the CarSaver study will be run
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Consent form for CarSaver user study
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List of tasks for the participant to complete during the user test
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Worksheet for experimenter to keep track of notes during each user test
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Questionnaire given to participant during user test, after finishing tasks
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Comparison prototype--Balsamiq wireframe version--of redesigned fuel fill up procedure
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Comparison prototype--Axure version--of redesigned fuel fill up procedure. This was shown to participants after they completed the questionnaire in order to garner further feedback and comparison. Prototype available at:
Findings from the user study
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Changes proposed based on analysis of the user study
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My Statement of Accomplishment with Distinction
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CarSaver Mobile App

During April & May 2013 I participated in Scott Klemmer’s Human-Computer Interaction course from Stanford Online, a university course modified for online presentation and massive open participation. It includes videos, quizzes, assignments and peer assessments. During the course you take an idea (website or mobile app) all the way into the prototyping and user testing phases.
The external link below will take you to all my blog posts about the course.

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Kathleen Bateman
UX Designer, NN/g UX Certified Austin, TX