HALO Humanitarian Centre Management System

A thorough needs assessment allows humanitarian camp management and aid workers to identify issues and develop appropriate solutions.

Current assessment systems are manual and require large amounts of time in order to obtain a thorough assessment of refugees entering a humanitarian camp. Aid workers have difficulty keeping track of the many different members of the community and their needs. Many people living in humanitarian camps feel they are ‘in the dark’ and are unable obtain clear answers from camp management.

The Wristband ID System addresses the issue of crowd management during asessment, helping aid workers and responders carrying out needs assessments to easily identify individuals still requiring assessment amongst a crowd. It also aids in the tracking, improving the prioritisaion and distribution of needs within in the camp, including (but not limited to) food and medical attention.

Katherine Mews | Akki Khan | Hania Poonawala

Katherine Mews
Student, Product Design Engineering (Year 4) Melbourne, Australia