Wind concept sketch.
Water concept sketch.
Fire concept sketch.
Earth concept sketch.
Final wind concept. I used paler blues and purples to give an airy feel as well as illustrate her robes billowing up around her.
Final water concept. Using brighter blues and purples to emphasize the element. To accent her different I depicted the women wading into the water instead of having the water come from her hand like the fire concept.
Final fire concept. I wanted to use a warm color scheme to symbolize fire and add the swirls that you would typically see in Mucha's sketches.
Final earth concept. For this element a subtle green palette was used to symbolize growth and rejuvenation in nature.
Alphonse Mucha Research and Illustration Project

As a research project on Alphonse Mucha, I drew inspiration from the piece he did on the four seasons to create and illustrate the four elements. Each are given the signature Mucha hair swirl and natural body positioning.

Katelynn Eisterhold
Graphic and Exhibit Designer Bemidji, MN