The initial ideation for this project has been based around three key words, creative, community and contemporary. I wanted the product to incorporate these words as well as being practical for the use that is intended.
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Having explored the basic form I began to explore ways in which the form could be made to feel more organic. I wanted to add a contrast to the quite blocky shape by breaking it up and adding interest. These designs also play with how the leather belt fits into the overall aesthetic.
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1. The allotment holders spade and fork, or other larger items. 2. The main wooden frame made from bamboo, and put together by hand to add a feeling of quality and personal touch. 3. A medium sized drawer made from recycled plastics which will house small gardening tools such as trowels and other smaller items i.e seeds. 4. This is a small bamboo drawer for the allotment holder to store their vegetables in. 5. The wheel hub made from iron. 6. The wheel and tyre. 7. Screws to connect the wheel and hub. 8. A large miscellaneous drawer made from recycled plastic, which can be used to store plant pots, hose pipes etc. 9. A leather belt to secure the drawers, it is kept in place by loops on the main frame. The belt will age with the product and add a personal feel. 10. A protective rubber sleeve which slides on. 11. The axle for the wheels.
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- Tools are kept on site so you don’t need to bring anything with you, except maybe some lunch and a smoothie! - Once you are there just go into the communal storage and unlock your secured allotment aid. - You can work at the allotment with the tools stored in the allotment aid. Simply remove the belt and what you need. - Once you are done simply replace the tools and wheel the allotment aid back into the storage and lock it up. - There is a removable pallet for vegetables/plants etc should you wish to exchange them with fellow allotment holders. The storage area also acts as a hub where notices and events can be arranged. - Finally as there nothing to carry home you could cycle, walk or even catch the bus reducing the amount of pollution produced.
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Here I have explored a few different material configurations of the final design to get an idea of the possibilities. The allotment holder may be able to select the material they wish to have the allotment aid in.
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Innocent Allotment Aid

Here i set myself the challenge of creating secure storage which is suitable for use on allotments within the community.

Individual Project

Kate Jackson
Undergraduate Coventry, United Kingdom