Baby Illustration - An illustrated portrait of a little boy. Illustration. 2007. 8.5”x11” print.
Metamorphosis - A five-frame series of drawings showing a metamorphosis from brain to balloons. Illustration. 2007. 8”x34” mixed media.
What's on your Mind? - An abstract picture and study of blending modes in Adobe Illustrator. Illustration. 2007. 8”x8” print.
Self Portrait - A reduced imagery portrait of myself, in grayscale. Illustration. 2007. 10”x11.5” mixed media.
Repair Man Illustration - An illustration experimenting with the concept of ideas. Illustration. 2007. 8.5”x9” print.
Kat Chaffin
Type Lover | Print Wiz | Thing Maker | Nerd Valencia, CA