Ball of Light- March 2014 Slow Shutter Speed
Light Collage, March 2014 Slow Shutter Speed New, 18 by 14 pixels per inch Paint bucket-Black Select the light, copy, paste onto background. Command T (transform) to change shape (make larger/smaller, wider/skinnier) then rotate. Image, Adjustments, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, Skew Repeat with each new image.
Black and White Jumpology, 2014 Fast Shutter Speed-(1/80) ISO- 800 Aperture- f/3.1 New Layer Image, Adjustments, Black and White, Default Brightness/Contrast, Brightness: -5, Contrast: +5
Jumpology Artist's Choice, March 2014 (Small) Fast Shutter Speed-(1/80) ISO- 800 Aperture- f/3.1New Layer Image, Adjustments, Hue/Saturation, Stauration: +20, Lightness: +3, Color Balance, Cyan: -60, Magenta: -20, Yellow, -12 Flatten Image
Jumpology Artist's Choice, March 2014 (Large) Fast Shutter Speed-(1/80) ISO- 800 Aperture- f/3.1 (I did the same adjustments as I did for the small image with this subject.) New Layer Image, Adjustments, Hue/Saturation, Stauration: +20, Lightness: +3, Color Balance, Cyan: -60, Magenta: -20, Yellow, -12 Flatten Image
Jumpology, March 2014 Fast Shutter Speed-(1/80) ISO- 800 Aperture- f/3.1 Image, Adjustments, Black and White- "Lighter" Brightness/Contrast, Brightness: -20, Contrast: +30
Shutter Speed

Shutter Speed- the time when a shutter opens and closes at a given setting.