Dual Narrative with Type and Image - This book recreation is called "The Balloon" by Donald Barthelme. Our interpretations were to portray dual narratives. The goal was to express story lines through metaphors, symbols and/or graphics. "The Balloon" story relationship was geography and emotion. All textual excerpts were about emotional references the author would make about people seeing the balloon for the first time. The geography was the visual narrative showing areas of the city where the balloon would appear.
Dual Narrative with Type and Image - This project involved recreating an already published book with a dual narrative. It is called "Some of Us Had Been Threatening Our Friend Colby". Plans for Colby (who committed a crime and was to be punished) by his friends were portrayed in a tactful, considerate dialogue of the characters. Plans that were more blunt and direct were shown through image. Form, structure and pacing were integral factors to be considered to best communicate the new story treatments.
Fed Ex Company Culture Book Design - This book was designed to convey and express values and the cultural attitude that is connected with a company identity, advertising campaign and marketing strategies. Fed Ex is based on the beliefs of its founder, Fred Smith as well as his ideas on motivation, innovation and forward thinking. I demonstrated this concept through a diagonal grid that suggested motion.
Book Design with Time Element - The goal for this project was to take the already published book The Paris Review Book of Planes, Trains, Elevators and Waiting Rooms and design our own interpretation of the book. We were to consider differences in content from one story to the next and express these differences through organization and a time metaphor.
Fred: Worlds Ahead/ Corporate Culture Study - Book design (2 page spread) based on senior thesis study of FEDEX, founder Fred Smith, the corporate culture and brand. A diagonal grid was used to speak to the idea of motion and forward thinking.
Fred: Worlds Ahead/ Corporate Culture Study - Book design (2 page spread) based on senior thesis study of FEDEX, founder Fred Smith, the corporate culture and brand. A diagonal grid was used to speak to the idea of motion and forward thinking.
Dual Narrative/Book redesign
Dual Narratives/The Balloon redesign book spread
Structure/Time: Planes, Trains Book redesign
Dual Narratives/Colby redesigned book cover
Dual Narratives/Colby redesigned page spread
Dual Narratives/Colby redesigned page spread
Fred: Worlds Ahead/ Corporate Culture Study (Photo of spread)
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Book Design with Time Element (Full cover)
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Fred: Worlds Ahead/ Corporate Culture Study (spread)
Fred: Worlds Ahead/ Corporate Culture Study (Cover)
Photo view of Colby book
Books with spreads
Kathy Pinho
Graphic Designer Bloomfield Hills, MI