Philips cordless phone : - Cordless phone using Dect technology. Philips Design project 1999-2000.
Philips Wap mobile phone - Mid tier product for European and asian market. Launched in X-mas 2000. Wap is an internet access protocol.
Apple (O) laptop - Prospective project focused on the ergonomy closely linked to interface design and flexibility to the context of use.
3e-oeil studio - As project manager in 3e-oeil studio, I manage an average of 8 projects in various knowledge (product design, strategic design, graphic design, communication support, virtual reality, communication media (print, web and video)). I manage internal and external ressource with budget responsability. I have also in charge the sails of the studio (CA 1M euros in 2002)
Philips Medical System ID
Philips Medical System ID
Design concept for network of smart objects - personal project
As PHILIPS designer
David Carvalho
Experience Design leadership Italy