Illustrated Letters offers a unique blend of pop-cultural elements made possible through my exploration of the themes of freshness and reinvention via the breaking down and expressive reconstruction of homogeneous established forms, in this case the ubiquitous letters. The letters present letters in their secondary state, a state where they exist as images not just as elements that make words and sentences possible.
Illustrated Letters offers a unique blend of pop-cultural elements made possible through my exploration of the themes of freshness and reinvention via the breaking down and expressive reconstruction of homogeneous established forms, in this case the ubiquitous letters. The letters present letters in their secondary state, a state where they exist as images not just as elements that make words and sentences possible.
Illustrated Letters offers a unique blend of pop-cultural elements made possible through my exploration of the themes of freshness and reinvention via the breaking down and expressive reconstruction of homogeneous established forms, in this case the ubiquitous letters. The letters present letters in their secondary state, a state where they exist as images not just as elements that make words and sentences possible.
Illustrated Letters offers a unique blend of pop-cultural elements made possible through my exploration of the themes of freshness and reinvention via the breaking down and expressive reconstruction of homogeneous established forms, in this case the ubiquitous letters. The letters present letters in their secondary state, a state where they exist as images not just as elements that make words and sentences possible.
Illustrated Letters offers a unique blend of pop-cultural elements made possible through my exploration of the themes of freshness and reinvention via the breaking down and expressive reconstruction of homogeneous established forms, in this case the ubiquitous letters. The letters present letters in their secondary state, a state where they exist as images not just as elements that make words and sentences possible.
Illustrated letters

Illustrated letters

Karo Akpokiere
Karo Akpokiere lagos, Nigeria, Nigeria