This infographic received Third Place for Illustration/Graphic/Cartoon from the North Carolina College Media Association in 2015. The graphic was created in Adobe Illustrator.
Two page spread, this is an example of a The Guilfordian investigative piece. This piece was developed over several weeks, thus was of top priority. As a senior staff member, I was given the responsibility and opportunity to layout the spread to create a visually intriguing piece that would highlight the article's main points. It was a challenge to create a spread that would not over power the article with visual elements or the reader with a wall of text.
The bar graphs were created using Adobe Illustrator. They visually illustrates the statistics important to the article. This spread also demonstrates my ability to ensure two facing pages flow together. Both pages are image heavy but they do not overpower each other.
These Adobe Illustrator rendered backpacks depict statistics gathered from the article.
This graphic was created in Adobe Illustrator. I chose this type of graphic because the information given in the article related to specific locations.
This graphic was created in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
Graphic created in Adobe Illustrator
Info graphic depicting enrollment created using Adobe Illustrator
This graphic was created in Adobe InDesign and Illustrator. It depicts linearity with both the arrows used for the horizontal line and the clean vertical lines leading the eye to the information.
This page layout balances a text heavy article by pairing it with a graphic that utilizes white space. The graphic displays the highlights of the article so the reader can easily gather the important information.
This sample demonstrates the technique of cutting out photos and placing them in an article. This breaks up the text and creates movement as the text wraps around the images.
This sample shows the balance of a cutout and a whole image.
This is a sample of a text based graphic I use when an article does not have an accompanying photo and does not lend itself well to a image graphic. This technique is particularly useful to highlight statistics emphasized in the article. It draws the reader's eye by breaking up the article text and introducing color.
Page design and wild cut "The New Black" design created using Adobe InDesign. I created the cut outs in Adobe Photoshop.
"Goofordian" Issue: satirical issue published on April Fool's Day each year. As a layout member, I was given creative freedom over images appearing on my page. I created the shown satirical photo illustration using Adobe Photoshop and InDesign
Another example of satirical page design. I created the top graphic using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop and the photo composite (bottom) using Photoshop.
I designed this newspaper recruitment advertisement using bold typography and clean white space to catch the eye of the reader.
This sample is an advertisement I created using Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator. The playful photo collage and cutout is appropriate as it matches the attitude of the subject. The rugby ball outlines were generated in Illustrator.
This sample demonstrates my ability to edit the design to fit a new page from week to week.
Newspaper Design

All page layouts and graphics (not including photography) shown were designed and created by me using Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. Over three years working for The Guilfordian I progressed in both page design and graphic creation utilizing the Adobe Suite.

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Karlen Lambert
Graphic Designer Lincoln, United Kingdom